Wir verlegen 3 Reihen – Tübingen Publications in Prehistory, Tübinger Monographien zur Urgeschichte, Tübingen Publications in the Archaeology of Southwestern Asia – in Zusammenarbeit mit der Abteilung Ältere Urgeschichte und Quartärökologie an der Universität Tübingen.
Des Weiteren präsentieren wir unsere neue Reihe Words, Bones, Genes, Tools in Zusammenarbeit mit dem DFG Center for Advanced Studies an der Universität Tübingen.
People and Prehistory
“It should not, however, be forgotten that one great advantage of a shelter or cave, which I am able to personally vouch for in the rain forest of Ituri, is the degree of socializing and the warmth that brings people together at a fire in a cave. The opportunity of bringing people together in a relatively confined space, besides also giving protection against large predators and human territorial aggression, should not be underestimated…” (J. Desmond Clark 2001: 95; cited in Settlement Dynamics of the Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age, Vol II)