This volume presents the research reported at the fourth meeting of Commission 27 of the UISPP on Settlement Dynamics of the Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age. The 22 papers in this volume, which includes contributions in English and in French, and the many papers from previous volumes in the series, fall in the period of human evolution between roughly 300,000 and 30,000 years ago.
Die Autorinnen/Autoren
Pierre Antoine (Meudon), Nuno Ferreira Bicho (Faro), Michael Bisson (Montreal), Paolo Boscato (Siena), Nicolas Boulbes (Montpellier), Michel Brenet (Bordeaux), Knut Bretzke (Tübingen), Ariane Burke (Montreal), Joel Casanova (Bellaterra), Victor P. Chabai (Simferopol), Laurent Chiotti (Paris), Nicholas J. Conard (Tübingen), Jacopo Crezzini (Siena), Ignacio de la Torre (London), Anne Delagnes (Bordeaux), Pascal Depaepe (Paris), Harold L. Dibble (Philadelphia), Holger Dietl (Cologne), Kévin Di Modica (Sclayn-Andenne), Jehanne Féblot-Augustins (Paris), Mila Folgado (Bordeaux), Margherita Freguglia (Siena), Paolo Gambassini (Siena), Louis Gilbert (Montreal), Émilie Goval (Villeneuve d‘Ascq), Sophie Gregoire (Tautavel), Thomas Hauck (Basel), Andrew W. Kandel (Tübingen), Frederic Lebegue (Perpignan), Jean-Marie Le Tensorer (Basel), Jean-Luc Locht (Amiens), Mohamed Masri (Damascus), Shannon P. McPherron (Leipzig), Lilianne Meignen (Valbonne), Jorge Martínez-Moreno (Bellaterra), Anne-Marie Moigne (Paris), Rafael Mora (Bellaterra), Hannes Napierala (Tübingen), Deborah I. Olszewski (Philadelphia), Seong-Jin Park (South Korea), Guillaume Porraz (Paris), Filomena Ranaldo (Siena), Annamaria Ronchitelli (Siena), Carla Parslow (Ontario), Utsav Schurmans (Philadelphia), Valéry Sitlivy (Brussels), Jennifer R. Smith (St. Louis), Krzysztof Sobczyk (Cracow), Jessica C. Thompson (Brisbane), Christian A. Tryon (New York), Thorsten Uthmeier (Cologne), Fabio Wegmüller (Basel), Luc Wengler (Perpignan), Dorota Wojtczak (Basel), Patrick J. Wrinn (Tucson), Aleksandra Zieba (Cracow)