Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte, Vol. 32


Date of publication: December 13, 2024
with contributions in English and German



The MGfU is an internationally recognized, peer-review, open-access journal for Early Prehistory, Quaternary Ecology and Human Evolution that has served the research community and the 500 members of the Society for Prehistory (GfU: Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte) since 1994. The MGfU is a leading European journal for Paleolithic Archaeology and presents studies in Global Prehistory, while highlighting ongoing research in Central Europe and supporting the work of the Museum of Prehistory in Blaubeuren. The journal is a cooperative project of the University of Tübingen and Kerns Verlag | Kerns Publishing.

Older issues: MGfU Reports #1-28 are available via the GFU website.

Please direct any questions to N.J. Conard, M. Bolus or a member of the editorial board.


Nicholas J. Conard


Michael Bolus

Editorial Board

Shara Bailey (New York)
François Bon (Toulouse)
Ariane Burke (Montreal)
Katja Douze (Geneva)
Clive Gamble (London)
Sabine Gaudzinski-­Windheuser (Mainz)
Katerina Harvati (Tübingen)
Jean-­Jacques Hublin (Leipzig)
Robert L. Kelly (Laramie, Wyoming)
Johannes Krause (Leipzig/Tübingen)
Steven L. Kuhn (Tucson)
Foni Le Brun­-Ricalens (Luxemburg)
Feng Li (Beijing)
Christopher E. Miller (Tübingen)
Philip Nigst (Vienna)
Akira Ono (Tokyo)
Marco Peresani (Ferrara)
Guillaume Porraz (Aix-­en­-Provence)
Jürgen Richter (Köln)
Simone Riehl (Tübingen)
Florent Rivals (Tarragona)
Wil Roebroeks (Leiden)
Veerle Rots (Liège)
Britt M. Starkovich (Tübingen)
Thorsten Uthmeier (Erlangen)
Pawel Valde-­Nowak (Krakow)
Lyn Wadley (Johannesburg)

Additional information






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